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Shinshu has many things that will give you a little soothing and richness to your everyday life.
We will introduce the various people, things and things that Shinshu is proud of along with Shinshu's lifestyle. Stay tuned.
Satoyama craft gin
NAGANO WINE Monogatari (Web Limited article)
Nagano and Anzu
Shinshu Brand Awards 2021 L winner Decision Shinshu brands that open a new era
New historical Shinshu silk story spinning in Okaya
The cheese in Shinshu feels like cheese is in the mountains
The roots of "soba culture" are in Shinshu! ? Shinshu Soba History Exploration
Which do you prefer innovation or tradition? Shinshu's proud luxury grapes
Encounter the traditional taste this summer you want to eat
Shinshu Brand Awards 2020 Special Features Gem gem supports the Shinshu brand
Come on, let's feel refreshed! Nagano Cedle to enjoy with fresh green
Spring Noyama is full of happiness! Breath of the earth felt by the wild plants of Shinshu