Tourist information


Get the raw information from the local area,
Make your trip to Shinshu more accessible!

At the Tourism Information Corner on the 5th floor, knowledgeable staff members about the geography and tourism in Nagano Prefecture are available to offer travel advice and seasonal tourist information. We also have an abundance of sightseeing pamphlets for each municipality, so you can get the latest, realistic information.

Our staff, brimming with love for Nagano, will make your trip to Shinshu more accessible! Let's plan your trip together by learning about information only available here and detailed information about local climate, transportation, etc.

Guidelines Usage information

We also accept reservations in advance for sightseeing guidance consultation.
We have a wide variety of sightseeing brochures. Please feel free to stop by.

Business hours

10: 00-18: 00 (except New Year holidays)

For Reservation

Please contact us by phone or e-mail
