Information about Shinshu



Which do you prefer innovation or tradition? Shinshu's proud luxury grapes

Which do you prefer innovation or tradition? Shinshu's proud luxury grapes

Various crops, such as apple, mushrooms, and mushrooms, have reached the season, and the fruit has finally arrived in Shinshu. Many people are associated with "grapes" when they hear the taste of the autumn of Shinshu? It is said that there are more than 10,000 kinds around the world and more than 100 in Japan. With the thought of "more delicious and beautiful grapes," a variety of varieties are created, coloring our autumn dining table.

The bright red “Grape Queen” Queen Rouge® debuts!

Queen Rouge®

The development of new varieties takes time. Many people have been studying and struggling for Queen Rouge®.

Nagano Fruit Test Experiment Station (Suzaka City)
Researcher of the breeding departmentEtsuko Ichikawa

Nagano Prefecture has the conditions necessary for delicious fruit cultivation, such as the top -class sunshine hours nationwide and the size of the temperature between day and night. The representative of autumn fruits, grapes, boasts the second largest production volume nationwide, and various varieties are cultivated in various parts of the prefecture.

"Queen Rouge®" is a new variety of luxury grapes developed in Nagano Prefecture over 10 years. At the time of the development, the demand for grapes that could be eaten with no seeds, such as Shine Muscat, and the grapes that could be eaten with the skin increased, aiming for a "red" variety with similar features, and shine with a red -purple and slender shape. It was born by crossing Muscat.

The bright red color is the most distinctive feature, and the pulp is firmly thinner than the Shine Muscat, and the pulp is firm, crisp, and the skin is good. Farmers in the prefecture have been making many red grape varieties since about 40 years ago, but the coloring and coloring have not been stable, and trial and error have been repeated. That is why the expectation of the queen rouge®, which was finally created, is high, and the producers have a good reputation as "red is clear and solid and easy to make."

Researcher Etsuko Ichikawa

Researcher Etsuko Ichikawa. "Red varieties are very difficult to stabilize the coloring, I want to make them more beautiful red, and I want to continue to explore how to cultivate them for color stability."

Also, as Etsuko Ichikawa, a researcher who has been involved in development from 2018, said that when he first eaten, he had the impression that it was sweeter than any variety, the average sugar content was 20 degrees, Nagano purple (18 degrees or more), Shine Muscat (Shine Muscat). It is also characterized by a sweetness that exceeds 19 degrees). When you eat a bite, the refreshing mascat scent and elegant sweetness spread throughout your mouth.

State of grape cultivation

The Nagano Prefectural Fruit Tree Testing Center provides grapes test cultivation in one -hectare field, and cultivate apples, peaches, plums, etc. in 10 hectares.

"Like Shine Muscat and Nagano Purple, it is widely known from children to the elderly, and it has been a variety that is loved by consumers and producers, such as Kyoho, which has been popular for decades for decades. I want you to be like a grape queen, as the name suggests. With the expectations of many producers and many people involved in the development, this fall Queen Rouge® will finally make a full -fledged debut.

Shinshu's proud luxury grapes vol.1 "The bright red" grape queen "Queen Rouge® debuts!"

A new variety of luxury grapes "Queen Rouge®"

Nagano Prefecture has the conditions necessary for delicious fruit cultivation, such as the top -class sunshine hours nationwide and the size of the temperature between day and night.
The representative of autumn fruits, grapes, boasts the second largest production volume nationwide, and various varieties are cultivated in various parts of the prefecture.
The new luxury grape "Queen Rouge®", which has been developed in Nagano Prefecture over 10 years, will finally make a market debut this fall.

A new variety of expectations with beautiful red colors

Since there are no species and the demand for grapes that can be eaten with the skin has increased, Queen Rouge® aiming for a "red" variety with similar characteristics.

With the growing demand for grapes that can be eaten with no species, such as Shine Muscat, we have started development with the aim of a "red" variety with similar features.
It was born by crossing a shine mascat in a unicorn with a reddish purple and slender shape.

The bright red color is the most distinctive feature, and the pulp is firmly thinner than the Shine Muscat, and the pulp is firm, crisp, and the skin is good.

Farmers in the prefecture have been making many red grape varieties since about 40 years ago, but the coloring and coloring have not been stable, and trial and error have been repeated.
That's why the expectation of the queen rouge®, which has finally been created, is high, and the producers have a good reputation that the red color is clear and the grains are solid and easy to make.

What a sugar content 20 degrees! Extremely sweet queen rouge®

Etsuko Ichikawa, a researcher who has been involved in development since 2018

"Etsuko Ichikawa, a researcher who has been involved in development since 2018.
"I had the impression that it was sweet than any variety when I ate it for the first time!" The feature is that there is a response to eating.
When you eat a bite, the refreshing mascat scent and elegant sweetness spread throughout your mouth.

"Like Shine Muscat and Nagano Purple, it is widely known from children to the elderly, and it has been a variety that is loved by consumers and producers, such as Kyoho, which has been popular for decades for decades. I want you to be like a grape queen, as the name suggests.

With the expectations of many producers and many people involved in the development, this fall Queen Rouge® will finally make a full -fledged debut.

* This article is information as of September 2021. Please note that products handled are subject to change.

[Nagano Prefectural Fruit Tree Experiment Center]
492 Kogawara, Suzaka City TEL 026-246-2415

Grapes are condensed! The charm of Kyoho is to the whole world

Hidekaen grape

In Hidekaen, Kyoho has 30 % and other varieties account for 70 %, and many grapes have been cultivated because they want to propose to customers in a well -balanced manner, such as appearance, aroma, and texture.

Hide -Garden Co., Ltd. (Higashi Mitsu City)
presidentTakanobu Watanabe

Kyoho is also called the "grape king" and is still very popular. There are many strong fans and have been loved for many years.

Higashi -shi of Higashi -Mitsu City has a Kyoho tree "Mom's Tree", which is said to have been planted first in Nagano Prefecture. At the end of the Showa 20s, when I was thinking about a conversion from the predecessor, a relative working for a major company in Tokyo got information that "Muscat of Alexandria is distributed at a high price and is very popular." The trigger was that I was reluctant to challenge luxury fruit cultivation.

Kyoho large tree called "Mom's Tree"

A large tree of Kyoho called "Mom's Tree". After 65 years, I am still active and has a delicious Kyoho.

After that, with five local farmers, we visited Mr. Yasushi Oi Uei, a breeding and creator of Kyoho, and was planted in Hidekaen in the spring of 1956. This tree is the "mother's tree". When cultivation technology was established in the 1960s, cultivation became popular in the prefecture at once. Even now, Nagano Prefecture boasts the first place in production. With the advent of various varieties, some farmers have stopped cultivating Kyoho in recent years.

Mr. Watanabe (right) and Mr. Okuhara (left), the current president

The current president Watanabe (right) and Mr. Okuhara (left). Many young farmers are active in Hidekaen.

"There is a troublesomeness to remove skin and seeds, but the umami of the animals that only around the seeds are condensed. I think that Kyoho is a kind of kind of species. In addition to dedicating life, I would like to continue to convey the charm of Kyoho, which is a synonym for high -end grapes that have laid the foundation for the development of grape cultivation in Nagano Prefecture. Takanobu -san.

At the same time, Hidekaen is trying to cultivate grapes, which are growing in customer's needs, and cultivate more than 30 varieties, mainly from popular Shine Muscat, Nagano Purple, and Queen Rouge®.

We also work on products such as semi -dry grapes using our own grapes.

We have decided to export overseas, and we will also develop products such as Kyoho and semi -dried grapes using our own grapes.

"Japan's safe and secure crops have been highly evaluated overseas, and I think the crops in Nagano Prefecture are good. I want to put it in, "says Watanabe. The challenge of Hidekaen will continue.

Shinshu's proud luxury grapes vol.2 "Grapes are condensed! The charm of Kyoho goes all over the world"

Kyoho is also called the "grape king" and is still very popular. There are many persistent fans, and it is a variety that has been loved for many years.
Kyoho is a leading person who has deducted the growth of the Nagano grape industry, and is still the highest production volume of Nagano Prefecture.

Did you know that Kyoho trees, which are said to have been planted first in Nagano Prefecture, still have active and delicious Kyoho?

"Mother's tree" which can be called the origin of Kyoho cultivation in Nagano Prefecture

Kyoho tree "Mom's Tree", which is said to have been planted first in Nagano prefecture

Hide -Garden in Higashi -Mitsu City has the first Kyoho tree "Mom's Tree", which is said to have been planted first in Nagano Prefecture.

Hidekaen was originally a farmer growing apple and rice.

At the end of the Showa 20s, when I was thinking about a conversion from the predecessor, a relative working for a major company in Tokyo said, "It is very popular because the grapes called Muscat of Alexandria are distributed at high prices in Tokyo." I got the information and my heart was moved to challenge the cultivation of high -end fruit.

Later, with five local farmers, we visited Mr. Yasushi Oi Uei, a breeder and a creator of Kyoho, and was planted in Hidekaen in the spring of 1958. This tree is the "mother's tree".

Kyoho cultivation in Nagano Prefecture

Hidekaen's Kyoho

Kyoho is a large grain and strong sweetness, but it has been developed in 1938 to more than 40 years since its development to spread.

Although cultivation began by pioneers, including Hideen, it took a long time to spread widely in the prefecture.

When cultivation technology was established in the 1960s, when the cultivation technology was established, the grapes as the grape, the apples of Nagano Prefecture (harvesting time: harvest time from mid -August to September) and "Fuji" (harvest time: late October. In addition to being harvested between mid -November, there is no need to go up and down the ladder in harvesting, etc., and cultivation in the prefecture has become widespread at a stretch because it is traded at a high price.

Young farmers who are active in Hidekaen

Many young farmers are active in Hidekaen

Kyoho, which reached its peak in production in 1997, has been called "Kyoho in Nagano Prefecture," for more than 30 years.

It can be said that it has supported the development of grape industry in Nagano Prefecture.

Why was the name "Kyoho"?
Kyoho was created by Izu of Izu in 1938, aiming for large and sweet European development that can be cultivated in the climate in Japan.
It is said that it was named after "Mt.

Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries "AFF" May and June 2019 issue P5 (P5)

Thinking for Kyoho cultivation

Mr. Watanabe, the representative of Hidekaen

Mr. Watanabe, the representative of Hidekaen

With the advent of various varieties, some farmers have stopped cultivating Kyoho in recent years.

"There is a bitterness to remove skin and seeds, but the original umami that only around the seeds is condensed. I think that the rich and rich taste is the kind of Kyoho variety. From an early age. I would like to continue to convey the charm of Kyoho, which is a synonym for high -end grapes, which have built the development of grape cultivation in Nagano, as well as watching and dedicating my life. "Takanobu Watanabe, the representative of Hidekaen.

Producers and cooks who know the taste of grapes also hear some voices saying, "Even with the same sugar content, the nuclear grape feels richer, and the nosthesia feels sour." A Kyoho with a species that you can enjoy the original taste that seems to be grapes.

It is said that nuclear flapping is said to be a long -lasting manner, and it is said that it grows greatly.

In recent years, the needs of varieties that can be eaten with no species and skin have been increasing, but people prefer each person.
There are many persistent fans in Hidekaen's "Kyoho", and many customers are looking forward to the Kyoho period.

Born cultivation that meets the needs of our customers

Various varieties of Hidekaen

"We value listening to customers' opinions, and we are trying to make grapes that customers want. At the time of provision, we think about color, shape variations, fragrance, and texture when eating. We are working on cultivation so that we can propose in a well -balanced manner, "says Watanabe.

As the word suggests, Hidekaen pursues grape making that meets the needs of customers, and now that in addition to Kyoho, more than 30 varieties of grapes, mainly Kyoho, popular Shine Muscat and Nagano Purple. It has become.

Delicious crops in Nagano overseas

Products that use grape from Hidekaen

At Hidekaen, we also develop products such as semi -dried grapes using our own grapes and exports overseas.

"Japan's safe and secure crops have been highly evaluated overseas, and I think the crops in Nagano Prefecture are good. I want to go, "says Watanabe. The challenge of Hidekaen will continue.

[Hide -Garden Co., Ltd.]
2789 TEL of Higashi -Mitsu City 0268-64-7005

This article is information as of September 2021.
Please note that products handled are subject to change.