Information about Shinshu



Shinshu Brand Awards 2021 L winner Decision Shinshu brands that open a new era

Image: Shinshu Brand Award 2021 L winner decision

"Shinshu Brand Award" is awarded a good brand born and nurtured in Nagano Prefecture. Here are the winners of each department.

[Happiness Shinshu division]

[Grand Prize] N-PLAJET
[Category Award] Shinano Nishiki "Super Gen"
[Category Award] Co: Do

[Nagano Good Design Division]

[Grand Prize] Industry -Group Cultural Properties / Old House Utilization Efforts
[Category Award] VAIO®️SX14 VJS142 Series
[Category Award] Tsutsubeken

This article is information as of April 2022.
Please note that products handled are subject to change.