Information about Shinshu



Shinshu winter essentials Kotatsu, Japanese tea, Nozawana pickles!

Shinshu winter essentials Kotatsu, Japanese tea, Nozawana pickles!
"Shinshu traditional vegetable", Nozawa vegetables. The birthplace of Nozawa Onsen Village has long been popular under the name of "Kabuna" and "Naraha", and the taste and manufacturing method of the pickles have been handed down for each household. It is said that the pickles of vegetables that were called "Ohasake" were spread throughout the country under the name of "Nozawana pickles", which was named "Nozawa pickles" by travelers who were impressed by their taste. 。 This time, we visited Nozawa Onsen Village, a hometown of Nozawa vegetable pickles, and asked about its roots and commitment.

"Ogotatsu" of Nozawa Onsen with life

Mr. Takei who harvests Nozawana

Mr. Takei harvests Nozawana grown in his own field. This season, the seeds were sown in early September, and the harvest was reached in about two months.

Nozawa Onsen Local Cuisine Study Group
chairmanTakako Takei

Nozawa Onsen Village is one of the most heavy snowfall areas in Nagano Prefecture. Skiers and snowboarders are visited from Japan and overseas, and have been known as one of Japan's best hot springs for a long time, and has been visited by many tourists. In the village, there are more than 30 sources in the village, and "Ogama", a fountain source where hot water springs near 90 degrees, is a natural monument designated by a village. It is also popular as a "Nozawa Onsen kitchen", such as when you can see the hot water of vegetables and eggs.

Out -of -bath "Matsuba no Yu" near the guest house "Yone Taro"

The outer hot spring "Matsuba no Yu" near the guest house has a two -story structure, and has a hot spring water laundry on the first floor (half basement).

There are 13 such outside hot springs (communal baths) in the village, but in the early November of the Nozawa vegetable harvest time, about half of the time for a limited time is released for "vegetable washing" to wash Nozawa vegetables. You can see the villagers who wash vegetables regardless of age or gender in each bathtub or the laundry in the attached laundry.

Image: Inside the brewery

Mr. Takei puts a small amount of soy sauce in addition to salt and pepper to give it the taste of the former miso barrels.

"I used to make miso in each household, and I got the miso prepared by the Takei family, which was married at my parents' home, in the fall, and washed it in a barrel with miso. It was quite difficult to pickle the tub with salt on Nozawana, and most of the houses that were pickled in plastic tubs were "sweet ( * 1)". It creates a taste. "
Takako Takei, chairman of the Nozawa Onsen Local Cooking Study Group, while running the Minshuku "Yone Taro" in the village, was taught.

The study group has started activities about 12 years ago, with people who have the desire to tell the local cuisine that has been familiar to the villagers to a bride from future generations and outside the village. Currently, 8 members are developing recipes such as croquettes containing Nozawa, and selling dishes in the morning market held in the village. Ginza NAGANO However, he is a familiar local cuisine researcher, Takako Yokoyama, a lecturer, and has been holding a classroom for villagers and holding cooking classes at elementary schools, and "Nozawa's Ogotsu ( * 2)". I also made a recipe book. There are many local dishes rooted in Kita Shinano, including dishes using Nozawana.

Wash and cook the turnip part of Nozawana

The cut off the cut -off of Nozawana is washed and cooked.

"For Nozawana pickles, adding Nozawana if it is salty, and adding salt if you think it is not salty, it is important to put your hands on it every day while pickling. My mother -in -law. Mr. Takei said that he was so pickled and felt that Nozawa was a treasure. " It is said that he pickles about 800 kg of Nozawa vegetables every year, behaves to relatives and acquaintances to guests at his own inn. The cafeteria attached to the guest house is open only during the winter. We offer dishes that are arranged in Nozawana pickles, gyoza, fried rice, etc. It is said that these arrangement dishes of Nozawana are popular among foreign tourists who are not good at pickles.

Image: Woodle

It seems that the customer's reputation is also good, cut in Nozawana, seasoned with soy sauce, mirin, sugar, etc., and soaked for a short period of time.

After March, when skiers gradually decrease, they will use fermented Nozawana pickles for cooking. In the past, there were many families boiled in sake lees and eaten, and the scent was a spring tradition. In addition, in the spring, when the flowers began to grow and the stems began to grow, the soft and bittersweet "Toshi standing vegetables" are said to be "more delicious than sea bream sashimi". The people of Nozawa Onsen Village enjoyed the taste of Nozawa Onsen Village, the winter of Nozawa Onsen Village, which is pickled for 1-2 months.

Due to changes in lifestyles, there are also many guest houses and families that do not pickle Nozawana in the village. Nevertheless, Mr. Takei, who says, "I would like to open a cafeteria that provides local cuisine as a member of the local cuisine study group", will continue to communicate the local "Ogotsu" to the next generation.

* 1 Sweet Murai: Dialect in the northern part of Nagano Prefecture, which represents "Maloya Kana"
* 2 Ogotsu: In the dialect of northern Nagano prefecture, the meaning of "feast"

[Minshuku Yonetaro]
9459 Nozawa Onsen Village, Shimotakai -gun TEL 0269-85-2540

Making Nozawa vegetable pickles that start with seed making

Mr. Tomii who talks about his commitment

On the contrary, Mr. Tomii is particular about how to pickle in the village. "

Limited company and Miki pickles
CEOYoshihiro Tomii

"Tomiki pickles" that manufactures ourselves from seeds to manufacturing.
"At the time of its founding in 1964, only one souvenir shop in the village sells hot spring buns. Many customers who stayed at the inn were picking home, saying," The inn pickled in the inn was delicious. " For this reason, the acquaintance of a souvenir shop told me to make Nozawa vegetable pickles as a souvenir, but it was the reason we started manufacturing. " It is.

State of harvest

State of harvest. Works such as cutting turnips and putting them together were ongoing.

The company, which is particular about raw materials, receives seeds from Kenshi -ji Temple, the birthplace of Nozawa Nana, and uses Nozawana cultivated from native species grown in its own dedicated fields.
"Although the native species have a taste, the harvesting is not stable due to the series, and there is also the difficulty of cultivation. We need good soil for making good Nozawa vegetables, and we are focusing on soil making," says Tomii. I will talk.

State of preparation

State of preparation. Pickle with only salt only for 1-2 months.

The harvested Nozawana is a feature of the company that uses hot spring water and prepares it twice with only salt, and is a special feature that uses a mineral -rich Hiragama Naruto, which is long soaked. We also value the season and seasonal feeling, so that it is pickled in "Shallow", which pickles Haruna for 2-3 weeks around March to October, and soaked in "ice -cooling" (trademark registration) from November to February for 1-2 months. "Honzuke" sells "Bebakko pickles", which is naturally aged and fermented in the winter climate of Nozawa Onsen Village from December to May. "Ice -chilling" is a manufacturing method in which the average temperature in February of Nozawa Onsen Village is the same as the average temperature of the average temperature in February, and was born from the company's desire to bring it as close to the taste of the home as possible.

The company's pickled in Nozawa vegetables is a processed product based on "Shinshu traditional vegetables" and is a proof that it is a product that respects traditional ways of making and traditions. The use of is acceptable.

Nozawana product of Tomiki pickles

To enjoy Nozawana's chewy texture, it is recommended to cut it into 3-4cm and eat it.

Nozawa pickles, which are also fermented foods by vegetable lactic acid bacteria, which are gaining attention in recent years. It seems that the company's "Vego pickled" has a stronger acidity than the general pickled Nozawa pickles, and it has been scolded by a surprised customer, but this acidity is proof that lactic acid fermentation is progressing. And there are many strong fans who are praised by the local taste.
It is said that this season was blessed with the weather, so it was possible to harvest good Nozawa vegetables in recent years with sweetness. Why don't you enjoy the taste of Shinshu, the taste of Nozawa Nosan.

[Miki pickles]
4608-1 Nozawa Onsen Village, Shimotaka County TEL 0269-85-3116

INFORMATION"Old -fashioned poop" Ginza NAGANO On sale in!

Propose a new way of eating Nozawa pickles

Mr. Takei who harvests Nozawana

"I'm glad that my senses are accepted about the seasoning, and" Nozawa Runar oil "is spicy, so I hope my children can eat it," says Kishi.

Nozawa Onsen Nozawa pickles production association
Union managerTakashi Kishi

It was established by the Yamamura Promotion Project in 1984, and the Nozawa Nozawa Nawana pickles product association, which manufactures more than 10 types of processed products mainly with the light of Nozawa vegetables and books.
It is said that the amount of pickling Nozawa vegetables is decreasing year by year, but the popularity of processed products of the union is increasing, and especially "Nozawa Narako oil" and "Dryer oil" are introduced on TV programs about three years ago. Explosive popularity.

"Nozawana used for" Nozawan "is used in the northern part of Nagano prefecture. I want to make everything from Nozawa Onsen Village, but in the village, in the village, in order to secure a certain amount. It is Takashi Kishi, the director of the union.

"Nozawan" oil and "dryer oil"

"Nozawana" and "dryer oil". It was also introduced on a TV program as a perfect dish for rice accompaniment.

"Nozawan" was devised by Kishi about 10 years ago at the time of the "Eating La oil boom". It seems to have been prepared for seasoning, and it is a dish with a fried garlic, onion, and ginger to the salty base. Not only rice accompaniment, but also freshly boiled pasta, it is delicious and easy to arrange with Chinese noodles, so you can use it in various ways depending on the device. "Dryer oil" is a soy sauce base, which has a strong sweetness to the sweet and sweet taste, so it has a different flavor from "Nozawa Narako oil", so put it on a cold noodle and like a chilled noodle. Eating and compatibility with alcohol is excellent and perfect for snacks. All of them are popular products whose repeaters are increasing due to their deliciousness, and sometimes production cannot keep up.

State of "Nozawan" oil

The bottle of "Nozawan" oil. Various products are created by focusing on manual work.

The union has been manufacturing that is handicrafted from the beginning of the establishment. It may be the reason that we are particular about materials and carefully maintaining the sales that do not have our own catalog and do not advertise advertisements.

"I sometimes hire a part -time job during the busy winter season, but I am currently operating by about 6 staff members. I want to increase manpower and increase production and product lineups in the future, and a wide range of generations. I would be glad if everyone could try this union's products. "
In order to create new products tailored to the tastes that change with the times, the challenge of the Nozawa Nozawa Nobuyagu Production Association will continue.

[Nozai Onsen Nozawa pickles production association]
Nozawa Onsen Village Hirabayashi, Shimotaka -gun 1219 TEL 0269-85-3771

INFORMATION"Nozawan" oil and "dryer oil" Ginza NAGANO On sale in!

"Nozawan" oil and "dryer oil"

Nozawana column

There are various theories, but in 1756, when the eighth priest of Yakuozan Kensaiji, the eighth priest of Yakuozan Kenshiji, Koenzen Garden Zuwasuhisa, he brought back the seeds of "Tennoji Kabu" and sowed it in the field. It is said that Nozawana is mutated by the climate and climate of Nozawa Onsen Village, and the leaves, stems and turnips are larger. The yellow "rape blossom", which tells the arrival of spring, in the surrounding area of ​​Nozawa Onsen Village and "Yama no Hana Festival", which is held, refers to Nozawa vegetable "rape blossoms".

This article is information as of January 2021.
Please note that products handled are subject to change.