Shinshu traditional preserved food that grows in the cold winter

Shinshu in January and February, when the cold is the harshest. Especially in the basin and mountainous areas, most days are minus 10 ° C at night and less than 5 ° C during the day. However, Shinshu people used the cold in reverse. We have made various processed products with a natural freeze -dried method that frozen at night, melts during the day, and repeats it.
Agar Angk, Ko and Tofu, etc. are exactly the representative. Recently, it has attracted attention as a health ingredient from its excellent nutritional value. Let's introduce the traditional preserved foods that Japan is proud of in the winter of Shinshu.

Preservatory with excellent convenience and applied skills that can be easily tasted
"Frozen mochi" packed with traditions made by hand in the severe winter
In the Sengoku world, "frozen rice cake", which has become a soldier at the time of Kagojo, is a preserved food that dries rice cakes until crispy. It can be eaten just by returning with hot water, so in Iijima -cho, a US work zone, it was useful as a horny (snack between agricultural work).
At present, everyone is the one who has revived frozen rice cakes, which are rarely made in Inaya.

The work begins when the minimum temperature is below freezing. Once the mochi is added with water and adds a pestle so that it becomes softer. The cut -cut mochi is completed when the local mothers are hand -handed in Japanese paper, soaked in water for 2-3 days, then hung under the eaves for about 2 months and completely removed the water.
"When I was out of stock, I tried to make it in the summer, but only the outside dries and the inside doesn't dry. Mr. Miss. The frozen cake, which is pure white with proud rice cake rice, is packed with tradition and commitment.

Agricultural Association Corporation (Iijima Town)
Representative Director Hidehiko Hayashi
Established a union corporation in 2001. Using rice cake grown locally, we sell a variety of products such as frozen cakes, Daifuku mochi, and red rice at local supermarkets and roadside stations. I like cooking and focus on devising mochi recipes.

Natural freeze -dried food made in winter sunlight and cold
The ultimate slow food "Kakaku agar" created by the Suwa area environment
It was about 180 years ago that Kakaku Agricultural Creation began in the Suwa area, including Chino City. It is said that Kobayashi Kumezaemon, who had been working for agar production to Kansai, learned the manufacturing method and started making it in his hometown of Suwa.
In order to create a square agar with a natural manufacturing method, not only the cold, but also the natural conditions such as high sunny weather, low snow and wind, and high quality water are essential, and Suwa, which satisfies all of them. The region is also said to be the only production area in Japan.

You can manufacture only when the temperature from December to February falls. In recent years, the warm winter trend has continued, and the manufacturing day is only about 70 days.
"I want to finish it beautifully. I just want to finish it beautifully. Just freezing it can bend and the shape worse. Drop the water in the daytime and freeze it at night. It is a trick to make it clean and delicious to repeat this. It is President Ito. Kakakan is a luxurious slow food that can only be made because of the environment of this area.

Kitahara Sangyo Co., Ltd. (Chino City)
President Muneo Ito
Founded in Edogawa -ku, Tokyo as Amakusa wholesaler, in 1956, the headquarters was relocated to Chino City and began manufacturing agar. With more than 60 years of agar, it is currently manufactured in about 500,000 square agar, and agar and processed agar candy.

Preservatory that is tightly packed with taste, nutrition and happiness
The old -fashioned "dry frozen radish" that breathe in a mountain life
Miyao's family living in a deep small village in Shinshu Shinshu, Nagano City. The 85 -year -old master, Zenjiro, works for a dairy farmer and is currently running a field with his wife, Masako.
The Miyao family has long been growing soybeans, red beans, and vegetables. In winter, we also work on preserving food such as frozen radish as well as work in the field. "We just make our own crops can eat our own crops in the summer. It's a strange feeling that we want you to sell it (laughs)." Mrs. and wife.

Dry dried is still distributed even now, but the "dry frozen radish", which takes a lot of time, has become a popular product in direct sales stores as a valuable ingredient. It is a healthy ingredient that has a high nutritional value and has more than 10 times more than 10 times compared to raw, such as potassium, iron, and magnesium by making it a frozen radish. There was a secret of health and happiness in living in the mountains of Shinshu.

Zenjiro Miyao / Masako (Nagano City)
Mrs. and his wife from Shinshu Shinmachi. Zenjiro is the eldest son of 12 brothers, just saying, "My home is lively for a long time." Even now, I live with a family of seven, my son and wife and three grandchildren.