Shop News

[Saturday, January 25th] Announcement of the event of Tasting Space Jack - Welcome to Takano from Shinshu Takayama Winery

【1月25日(土)】テイスティングスペースジャック 開催のお知らせ ~信州たかやまワイナリーの鷹野さんをお迎えして~
Tasting space (TS) on the 2nd floor of Ginza NAGANOTasting Space Jack is an event held in welcoming wine and sake producers.
This year, the first event will be held in 2025, and will be held in Takayama Village's "Shinshu Takayama Winery" is Jack!
Guests are brewers
We are welcoming Takano-san.

On the day, we will be offering six types of wines made from Shinshu Takayama Winery, a coin-operated server. You can enjoy listening to Takano's story and choosing the three types of your choice. Maybe some unreleased wines will be available too?

In the event space on the same floor, Naćho OYAKI Day will be offering a limited edition wine in Takayama Village, "Naćho" as a set with Nagano Prefecture's soul food "Oyaki."
You can sit down and enjoy a glass of wine.


Saturday, January 25th, 2025


10:30-18:30 (L.O. 18:15)
Takano is hereTimes 11:00~18:00
*No reservation required


Ginza NAGANO Tasting space on the 2nd floor


3 coins on a coin-operated server, 1,500 yen

Wine provided

  • Lab Series STW114 Merlot Urahara 2020
  • Lab Series STW113 Cabernet Franc 2020
  • Lab Series STW112 Cabernet Sauvignon 2020
  • Varaetal Series Chardonnay 2021
  • Varaetal Series Sauvignon 2023
  • Varaetal Series Merlot & Cabernet 2020
  • Secret Wine A
  • Secret Wine B

*Set six types of wines on a coin-operated server



\Simultaneously held in the event space/
Naćho OYAKI Day
We offer a limited edition wine called "Naćho" in Takayama Village Village as a set with Nagano Prefecture's soul food "Oyaki". "Nacho" is a dialect of northern Shinshu, and is a word that is considerate of others, saying things like, "What do you mean?" or "What are you doing?" It was named "Naćho" with the hope that this wine could be easily picked up and that it would lead to a conversation between someone else. Enjoy a wine that goes perfectly with the delicious oyaki.