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Ginza NAGANO Product list
Ginza NAGANO All of the products on display are proudly selected by our staff.
We have a selection of products loved by Shinshu people, where you can feel the bounty of Shinshu's nature. Please pick it up in store and take a look.
*We regularly list recommended products from around 1,200 items we carry.
Delicious 80 % raw soba in Shinshu
Mist (Kiso Town)
For home use or as a gift
Wakasagi empty taste
Ebisuya (Suwa City)
The crispy texture brings back
Nozawa pickles
Okamoto Shoten (Kishimahira Village)
Crispy texture, original taste of Nozawana
From Shichimi Tang
Hachimanya Isogoro
Founded in the Edo period, this is a representative souvenir from Zenkoji Temple gate.
Jomon Oyaki
Ogawa no Sho (Ogawa village)
Ogawamura's grandma's handmade oyaki
Furnisher no yaki
Irohado (Nagano City)
Fried grilled oyaki wrapped in special skin