"end"【 Nagano Prefecture and Niigata Prefecture Collaboration Project] Announcement of the "Joint Migration Consultation Campaign"

《終了》【長野県×新潟県 連携企画】「移住相談合同キャンペーン」のお知らせ

Ginza NAGANO The location is "GinzaSuzuran Street"In the Niigata Prefecture antenna shop "Ginza- Niigata Information Center THE NIIGATA opened last year, and immigration consultations have also started.
This is what makes it geographically adjacent Nagano The prefecture and Niigata prefecture will work together to run a joint campaign aimed at promoting migration to their respective regions! 
During the period, those who consult with moving at both antenna shops will receive original goods and specialties.
Nagano If you are considering moving to the prefecture or Niigata prefecture or residing in two regions,Please take this opportunity to participate!

Campaign overview

Nagano For those who have consulted at the migration consultation desk within each antenna shop in both prefectures and Niigata prefectures, Nagano We will give away original merchandise and specialty products (※) from the prefecture or Niigata prefecture!

Nagano Those considering moving to prefecture or Niigata prefecture, living in two regions, etc. and meet all of the following requirements:

  • Those who have consulted in person to move in (online, email, or telephone consultations are not applicable)
  • Ginza NAGANO Those who have written the reception form at the immigration consultation desk to consult with us
  • Those who have registered as new members at the consultation desk at the Ginza office of the Niigata Living and Work Support Center

*Example of gifts: original tote bag, apple juice, rice, etc. (planned)
( Nagano We will give you a gift from either prefecture or Niigata prefecture.)

Period of implementation

Friday, January 17th - Friday, February 28th, 2025
*The gifts will end when they run out.


  • Ginza NAGANO Immigration and Exchange Center(5-6-5 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo Ginza NAGANO 5th floor)

  • Niigata Living and Work Support Center GinzaOffice(5-6-7 Ginza, Chuo-ku, TokyoGinza・Niigata Information Center THE NIIGATA Basement 1st floor)
    OpeningTimes/10:30-18:30 (closed on Tuesdays and public holidays)

About reservations

Reservations will be prioritized. Please make a reservation in advance as much as possible.


★The flyer for this campaign isHere

Ginza NAGANO Well then Relocation Support In addition, we also hold immigration exchange events such as on-site migration consultation sessions and migration seminars from time to time. For more detailsHerePlease see.